
OpenGeoTools is a toolkit for people who work with geographic dataset. The use of the tools is completely free but subject to terms of use.

The tools are made using opensource library, like Openlayers, and available web services, like Bing Maps REST Services and Google Maps JavaScript API v3. Visiting the page Credits you can have a look of the web service and instruments used.

OpenGeoTools is an evolving idea: new tools will be available soon. I would be happy to receive suggestions from you about that.


Single Addresses Geocoder helps you to geocode single addresses. You just have to write an address in the text field and you will get the coordinates in WGS84 Reference System (EPSG: 4326). A marker will show the position of the address in the map and you will also get a google latitutude view of the street. You can geocode more addresses and also download the results by clicking on the "Export to CSV" button. This tool use Google Maps JavaScript API wich have a daily usage limit of 2500 maps load and web services calls, but I limit the use of the tool to 100 address/day for each ip address. If you want to geocode more addresses I invite you to use the Batch Geocoder!

Batch Geocoder allows you to geocode many addresses without losing informations. The input of the tool is a CSV file which has one or more fields to build the address to geocode (write the address field names separeted by semi-colon). Batch Geocoder use Bing Maps REST Services, so, if you want, you can use your Bing Maps key otherwise you can use mine, but you have 5000 daily web services calls. The output is your CSV with two more fields with longitude and latitude coordinates in WGS84 Reference System (EPSG: 4326). If you want to map the results, use the csvToGeoJson converter and then the GeoValidator tool.

Single Points ReverseGeocoder is a usefull tool to find an address from a couple of coordinates. The use of tool is very simple: write the coordinates and the Spatial Reference System and you'll get the closest address to that point. You can find more addresses and also download the results by clicking on the "Export to CSV" button.

Point GeoCreator is the fastest solution to create a point geodataset. Just decide the name of your dataset and set the number and the names of the fields that your dataset needs. Then click "DONE" and populate your dataset: you can create a new point feature by clicking in the map or setting the coordinates in the latitude and longitude fields (after setting them, click "OK"). Once you drew the point, you have to set the fields values and when you finished it, click on "SAVE FEATURE". Now you can draw other features or download the dataset by clicking on "DOWNLOAD DATASET".

Polygon GeoCreator allows you to create easily a polygon geodataset. Just decide the name of your dataset and set the number and the names of the fields that your dataset needs. Then click "DONE" and populate your dataset: draw a polygon in the map and set the fields values. Then click on "SAVE FEATURE". Now you can draw other features or download the dataset by clicking on "DOWNLOAD DATASET".

Single Points Srid Changer makes you change the Spatial Reference System of single points easily. You have only to write the longitude (or x position) and latitude (or y position) of your point and select the SRS of input and output. You can geocode more addresses and also download the results by clicking on the "Export to CSV" button. If you don't find a SRS in the list, please notify me by email.

Batch SRS Changer allows you to change the Spatial Reference System of a full dataset. You have only to paste you dataset in geojson format and select the SRS of input and output. If your have a dataset in another format, please use the geoConverter tools.

SRSFinder is an innovative tool to look for the Spatial Reference System of a dataset that you do not know the SRS. Just draw the area where you suppose your dataset is, and write the coordinates of one point of your dataset. The tool will look for the matching SRSs and list them on the right panel. Clicking on the EPSG code you will redirect on the specific Spatial Reference web page. If you don't find a SRS in the list, please notify me by email.

CSV to GeoJson allows you to convert your Geographic dataset from CSV format to Geojson. The input of the tool is a CSV file which has two fields where find the longitude and latitude coordinates. So, just upload your CSV, write the names of the coordinate's fields, and set the CSV values separetor and the charset of your dataset. You will get a Geojson vector with all the informations of the input data.

GeoJson to GML is the easiest way to convert your Geographic dataset from Geojson format to GML. just paste your GeoJson in the text field and you will automatically download your GML dataset.

GML to GeoJson is the fastest solution convert your Geographic dataset from GML format to Geojson. just paste your GML in the text field, and set GML specific type and you will get your Geojson dataset.

GeoValidator is the best and fast way to validate and map your geo dataset. Just set input formats and SRS, and paste your dataset. It will be shown in the map and you can also get info of your single features by clicking on them.